Regarding the COVID-19 (official name by the World Health Organization):
All ESN Porto’s events for the next 15 days are cancelled due to the quick spread of Covid-19 and recommendations from official institutional partners such as University of Porto.
This means that the following events (until March 22nd) are officially cancelled:
- Basketball Match
- Football Match
- Veggie Food Workshop
- Circus Party
- World Dinner
- 90´s Party
- Surf Open Day
- Trip to Lisbon
Our Office will, likewise, be closed for the next 15 days. Until further notice, we will re-open on March 23rd. All the participants for these events will have their refund available from March 23rd. You don’t need to send us an e-mail. You are automatically registered for the refund and we will get in touch with you soon by e-mail.
Moreover, if you are feeling sick or have had any symptoms of the Corona virus, please contact us immediately. It is important that we know about your health condition in the case that you have participated in any of our prior events.
Besides that, we kindly ask you not to participate in future events if you start to get any symptoms. In the presence of symptoms (including fever, cough or possible breathing difficulties), the first step is to call the SNS24 - 808 24 24 24, and follow the instructions given to you. Refunds for events starting from March 23nd are still available and will be until 1 week before each event, so in this case, if you want to cancel for some reason, please send an email to refunds@esnporto.org.
Lastly, we are very sorry for any inconvenience. As we are sure you know, this is a public matter situation and Porto is the most affected city in Portugal with Covid-19. We hope that this situation will improve soon and that there won’t be the need to cancel any more events. Please stay alert to our website and other social media.
Thank you for understanding.
ESN Porto