Given the current situation, we’re sure many of you are worried with the status of your Erasmus+ grants. Although not much information has been released, we have collected some statements that might be useful.
According to Erasmus+ contracts, the force majeure clause implies that erasmus students unable to continue studying/interning due to the recent outbreak are not considered at fault and therefore cannot lose their grants.
Regarding flights, the following news seem relevant to be shared
Ryanair Flight Changes
Mobility Statement from the European Commision
Flights outside the EU are suspended starting next week (17/03)
The Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, announced this week the suspension of all airlines connections outside the European Union starting in the first hour of the 25th of March. For Portugal, the exceptions are countries with big Portuguese communities, e.g. Canada, USA, Venezuela, South Africa, and countries with Portuguese as their official language, such as Brazil and Angola. This decision was announced in a meeting of the European Counsel. António Costa also announced that the passengers will be submitted to a body temperature control in their boarding. According to him the “freedom of circulation amongst the countries in the European Union” will remain, with the exception in specific cases. This restriction will take place for 30 days, but there is a chance for this period to be extended.
TAP reduces the number of flights. There are only 15 destinations working. (19/03)
Starting on the 23rd of March and until the 23rd of April, the Portuguese company will maintain 15 out of the 90 destinations they have. It was also announced that this decision may change at any time, depending on the circumstances. It is due to the restrictions imposed by the several states in which they operate, in an attempt to control the dissemination of the global pandemic disease COVID-19. The company assures it will continue its work in the routes in which are still possible to work in, so they can undertake their mission of flying their clients to their families. It is also important to underline they have announced the refund, through a voucher valid for 1 year, for the clients that decide to cancel their travels which would take place up until the 31stof May. As an alternative, the clients may change their flights, of the same period, to a new date up until 31st of December 2020.
Ryanair reduces 80% of their flight destinations. (19/03)
Starting on the 25th of March the Irish company will reduce their flight destinations. The company says the flights have had a significant impact due to the restrictions imposed by the European Union to suspend all non-essential flights to the EU for a period of 30 days. They also say all the clients who have been affected by this sudden change will receive an email, and kindly ask that the clients do not call them, due to the fact their phone lines are overloaded with calls.
Passengers with canceled flights 14 days before are not eligible for restitution (18/03)
In a broad way the passengers with canceled travels due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible for a refund or a connection to their final destination, and if they were the ones to cancel, they should receive a voucher. This situation is considered an extraordinary circumstance under the law. These measures were adopted by the European Union as a way to control the COVID-19 outbreak and are beyond the control of the airlines.
Countries that have prohibited flights from Portugal (13/03)
Saudi Arabia
Argentina (for a period of 30 days, in this case until April)
El Savador
United States of America (for a period of 30 days)
Czech Republic