Do you have doubts about the office schedule? Or maybe what to do if you can't go to an event? ESN Porto's Facebook and Instagram page seems to be taking a while to answer your question, and you really need an urgent answer? Worry not, ESN Porto's FAQ is here, providing you with the answers to life's greatest mysteries...or at least on how ESN Porto works!



Our office is the main point of interaction with Erasmus students. There you can have your ESNcard done, buy activities and collect refunds. Our office is in  Rua de Santa Catarina, 722 - Room 201 - 202, 4000-446 Porto .

The office is usually open from Monday to Friday, from 14:30 to 18:00. During Welcome Month, it also opens sometimes during the morning.


A: Yes, you can, but your friend needs to bring your ESNcard (a photo of the ESNcard also works) and money for the event if that's the case.



Our volunteers organize several events, some of which have to be prepared in time and taking into account how many people will show. Our advice is that you register for events early so you can secure your spot and we can provide the best event possible.


A: First, refunds are only eligible if you communicate one week before the event. If you only inform us of your inability to go to the event when there is less than a week to the event, then you are not eligible for a refund. We urge you to send an email one week before the event to . Then, after you get an answer, you just need to collect your money in the office.

A: When all the spots for an event are sold out, then that event becomes full, and further registrations go to a Waiting List that we create. We also allow participants to exchange tickets with other ESNcard holders. To get in the event, you'll need to present your ESNcard and a valid ticket, be it yours or someone else's (keep in mind that the tickets are single use only).

A: There is still a chance for you. We will open a Waiting List for the events that are full and you can register as you would normally. If enough people give up on the trip, you might get a spot. Beware that you must pay for the event to be placed on the Waiting List. If you didn't get that spot the money will be returned to you.

A: We ask you to register on the website anyway, so we can better accommodate those that are going and provide you best event. After you register, you only need to show up.

A: It depends, most of our events are destined towards Erasmus students that hold an ESNcard, while some non-paid events may allow non-ESNcard holders. For better information, consult the webpage regarding the specific event.


ESNcard and Discounts

The ESNcard is the official membership card of the Erasmus Student Generation, and it allows you to register at our events and provides you with endless discounts.

You can check more info on our website , or the ESNcard website .


A: You are eligible to get an ESNcard if you belong to one of the following groups: Erasmus+ Students, Erasmus+ Trainees, Erasmus+ International Degree Incoming Students, International Incoming Students or Trainees on a Mobility Programme, other than Erasmus+, International Undergraduate or Postgraduate Full Degree Students and EVS Participants.

A: To get your ESNcard done, you should come to our office (Rua de Santa Catarina, 722 - Room 201 - 202, 4000-446 Porto), and bring with you a printed passport-like photo of you and 20? in cash.

A: The ESNcard is valid for 1 year.

A: First, you create an account on the ESNcard website and activate your card by adding its number to the form. If you had another ESNcard before, you can simply add the new ESNcard number to your user account. After that, you are ready to go! You can check all discounts on the ESNcard website and on the ESN Porto website . As long as your ESNcard has not expired, you can use it for all ESNcard discounts in Europe.

A: To register for our activities (ESN Porto activities), it's required to have a valid ESNcard made in Porto.

A: You can only get the ESNcard in ESN Porto's office, so you will need to be in Porto to get it, but when you buy the ESNcard you receive the ESNcard number by email so you can get the discounts. Regarding the Ryanair discount, you won't be able to benefit from the Ryanair discount before arriving in Porto.

A: Make sure that you have registered on both the ESNcard website and the Ryanair website and that the details you provide on both websites are accurate and equal. If doubts persist, you can also check for help and in our Survival Guide .

Internships at ESN Porto


A: Visit the Erasmus Intern Website to find out if we have open positions, or follow us on social media, where we post about positions that we open.



A: ESN Porto can provide you with a Vodafone Yorn X 10GB SIMcard. With it, you can have 10Gbs of mobile data for 2.75?/week in the first 3 months and for 4.99?/week after the 3 months.
