Hey hard-working erasmus,
Interested in searching for jobs while here in Porto? Many companies place a high value in international students...
If you are interested, we invite you to be a part of a select group of 60 candidates to participate in Talents Match, an innovative way for ErasmusGeneration students to meet employers and be recruited.
HOW DOES IT WORK: Companies and candidates have the opportunity to meet for 10 minutes and get to know each other in an informal way. It is important that the aspiring worker is able to present himself clearly and effectively. After the 10 minutes, places switch.
WHAT: Recruitment event aimed at students interested in finding a job, within an employment fair
WHEN: 29th of October, from 14:00 to 17:00
WHERE: International Fair for University Employment 2019, in Exponor (map here)
WHAT DO I NEED TO DO: Register until Tuesday, 22th of October in Talents Match website
MORE INFO: Talents Match website